
Cine suntem noi

Noi, o echipa infiintata in 2016, cu sediul in Ilfov, ne indragostim de un produs, motiv pentru care incepem parteneriatul cu o fabrica din China, printr-un contract de exclusivitate. Astfel aducand pentru prima data in Romania Sireturi Inteligente, in cantitati foarte mari pentru a sustine acest contrat semnat. Ulterior lucrurile au mers intr-o directie foarte buna, asa ca am decis sa ne cunoastem partenerii si sa ii invitam in Romania. Astfel, aici am creat noi produse impreuna si intrat in faza urmatoare: ei produc orice dorim exclusiv pentru ElastiX shop, respectant calitatea impusa, iar noi cumparam volume foarte mari anual pentru a justifica productia in masa. 

Am fost nevoiti sa plecam din mansarda in care incepusem afacerea, apoi au mai urmat cateva schimbari de locatie fiind obligati de situatie sa crestem spatiul de depozitare. Investind si reinvestind constant, am ajuns astazi sa umplem un depozit de 1700 mp, unde se ambaleaza produsele din stoc si se trimit in maxim doua zile catre client.

In prezent ne concentram catre vanzarea de tip retail (en detail), dar avem si numeroase colaborari de vanzare engros cu diferite web site-uri din Romania, magazine fizice si unitati de cazare din industria Horeca.

Ne defineste faptul ca putem cu usurinta produce orice in timp destul de scurt, astfel raspundem unor solicitari destul de creative, dar si faptul ca incercam mereu sa avem cel mai mic pret de pe piata in functie si de calitatea materialelor. Exemplu fiind Huse scaune si Huse canapele, produs pe care am inceput sa il dezvoltam impreuna cu partenerii nostri din 2017, ajungand dupa cativa ani la o calitate deosebita a materialelor. In acest caz, pretul nu este intotdeauna cel mai mic, dar este un pret cinstit in raport cu calitatea.

Pasul urmator este sa dezvoltam o retea de vanzare engros in Romania si in alte tari din Europa.

Raspundem pozitiv clientului intodeauna in orice situatie, chiar daca mai apar greseli, intarzieri sau nemultumiri de orice natura, se rezolva mereu in favoarea clientului

Suntem deschisi sa ascultam feedback si ne provoaca orice solicitare de colaborare.

Ne puteti contacta la:

Call center comenzi online: 

  • 0764937174 - Alexandra
  • 0758010571 - Andreea

Pentru propuneri de colaborare:

  • 0723299339 - Andra Manea

Zarman Logistic srl


Cui: RO35025466

Ilfov, Dobroesti nr stejarului 26f

About us

Elastix Shop is a team established in 2016 based in Ilfov. We fall in love with a product and started the partnership with a factory in China  through an exclusive contract, bringing for the first time to Romania Smart Shoelaces, in very large quantities to support this signed contract. Afterwards, things went in a very good direction, so we decided to meet our partners and invite them to Romania. Here we created new products together and entered the next phase: they produce whatever we want exclusively for the ElastiX shop, supporting the required quality, and we buy very large volumes annually to justify mass production.

We had to leave the attic where we started the business, then there were several changes of location, being forced by the situation to constantly increase the storage space. Today we ended up filling a warehouse of 1700 square meters, where the products from the stock are packed and I send to the customer within two days.

We currently focus on retail sales, but we also have numerous wholesale collaborations with different websites in Romania, offline stores and accommodation units in the Horeca industry. 

We are defined by the fact that we can easily produce anything in a fairly short time thus, we respond to quite creative requests, but also the fact that we always try to have the lowest price on the market depending on the quality of the materials. An example being Chair Covers and Sofa Covers, a product that we started developing together with our partners in 2017, reaching after a few years to the best quality of the fabrics. In this case, the price is not always the lowest, but it is an honest price in relation to the quality.


The next step is to develop a wholesale network in Romania and other European countries.

We always respond positively in any situation, even if there are mistakes, delays or dissatisfaction of any nature, it always gets resolved in favor of the customer.

We are open for feedback and any request for collaboration challenges us.


You can contact us at: 

Call center for retail orders:

  • 0764937174 - Alexandra
  • 0758010571 - Andrea

Wholesale & collaboration proposals:

  •  0723299339 - Andra Manea

Zarman Logistic srl


Cui: RO35025466

Ilfov, Dobroesti nr stejarului 26f